There has been a recent movement by the government in an effort to give small businesses and their operators some clarity and assistance in the operating of their business, this takes the form of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill.

gov uk, documents

One of the big buzz-points in this is the section about access to finance which looks at improving how small business can get access to funding, nothing ground breaking in itself. It looks at how banks interact with small businesses and also support for small businesses with regard to UKEF (UK Export Finance)

There’s also a breakdown of section by section regulations and adjustments by section, the aims of which are all aimed at business growth and support. There’s far too much to go over but you can have a look at all the documents here: Link to Fact sheets

“It will ensure that the UK continues to be recognised globally as a trusted and fair place to do business”

To summarize, the government is trying to help small business owners in the UK. There’s a lot of details to take in and it’s worth while paying some attention to them if you have a genuine interest in the welfare of your business.

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